Saturday, March 3, 2012

Winds of Fortune.........

Tonight I am making fortune cookies for my youth group but instead of the usual "fortunes" inside, I am putting their bible memory verse for the following Wednesday! It is kind of a fun and yummy delivery system.  Of course I am changing the recipe a tiny bit (as I usually do) because I am not a big fan of almond flavoring!  I used vanilla flavoring instead!  Here is the recipe site I used as I have lost my original recipe (I had not used it since around 1984!)

So I have gotten a few cookies done with minimal burning of my fingers.
Unfortunately, there are a few problems.  I think I need different paper.  The regular computer paper is sticking to the cookie.  I also think I may need to re-think the use of only vanilla flavor because they are a little too sweet.  <sigh> A work in progress!  I will keep you updated.

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