Saturday, July 6, 2013

Would Elvis Presley have liked this???

My very good (and very awesome) friend Tabitha Portal has created a *naughty* group on Facebook called "Tasty Food Pics & Recipes".  I love it! I like looking at all the recipes and getting ideas and sometimes I even try them. Today was one of those days. One of the ladies in there posted a recipe that I could not resist trying. It involves bananas (which I am always trying to get my husband to eat more of), peanut butter and chocolate (which is his obsession).

 So I started with my most favorite peanut butter ever, Jif. No, I did not get paid for that. It just happens to be my family's favorite. We have tried almost every one out there but this one makes us happy.

Slice the banana into 1/4" slices.
Next smear the top of one slice with peanut butter. I found that a knife would not work very well and it was easier to use my fingers. God gave us those tools and they are sometimes the very best to use.

I put them on some parchment paper so they would not stick to anything.  Freeze for (1) hour.
After one hour, remove from freezer and dip them into melted semi-sweet chocolate.

 Back onto the parchment paper to freeze for about two hours more! Eat and enjoy.
 The bananas get all creamy and yummy, the chocolate is crunchy and the peanut butter is just the right addition to keep it all from being too sweet.  Definitely going  into the "make often" category!!


  1. Oh my heavens I am going to make some of these tonight! I wonder if you use coconut oil with the chocolate if that would cut down your freezer time!
