Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Pasta CarboNOT....

As usual, tonight's dinner inspiration came from my need NOT to go out to the grocery store! I was tired!  I threw a batch of my cornbread in the oven for starters and then begin to look around to see what I had.

Bacon.  You can't go wrong there, right?  I decided to make a sort of Pasta Carbonara...that is until I read the recipe all the way through.  I am not really a big fan of using raw eggs that don't really get cooked (go figure, as I am the first person eating the cookie dough or cake batter!).

As the bacon fried up all crispy in a skillet, I poured a large amount (probably around 2 1/2 to 3 cups) of milk in a bowl and set aside to warm up a little.  Four tablespoons of real butter went in a pot to melt.  To that I added two heaping tablespoons of flour and let it create a nice blonde roux.  This is the way I usually start making my own homemade bechemel sauce.  After the flour cooked a little bit and got bubbly, I slowly added the milk, a little at a time, stirring and adding. I then grated some fresh nutmeg into the bechemel along with some black pepper. I let this simmer on the stove.

The bacon was put on a plate to drain.  I then took a second small saucepan and put two tablespoons of butter in to melt on low.  I added about 1/2 of a large onion, chopped.  Next I added some Hunt's diced tomatoes (drained and only a few tablespoons) and some chopped garlic.  This sat on low and softened and married flavors.

While the pasta was boiling (I used angel hair), I added a small handful of finely grated cheddar cheese to the bechemal. I did not add a whole lot of cheese as I truly was not going for a cheese sauce.  I just wanted the added depth of flavor.

When my pasta was al-dente I drained and mixed in my bechemel sauce.  I added my crumbled bacon and stirred well.  I served this with the onion, tomato and garlic mixture to the side as I have quite a few picky eaters at my table.  I will say it was simply the most flavorful pasta ever! I loved the slight addition of the tomato, onion and garlic mixed in with the pasta and bechemel.  So yum.  I think it has made its way onto my regular menu.  The cornbread served with this made it a rather rustic dinner.

Now I am off to church! Sadly, since I spent so much time with my bechemel I did not have time to make goodies for the youth group! Oh well! I am sure they will let me slide this one Wednesday!

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